Fine Arts
Applied Music (Music – Instrumental) 2206/3206
These courses offer students the opportunity to develop musical skills, understandings, and competencies as instrumentalists through individual and small group experiences. Applied Music may be offered as Band (Brass/Woodwinds), and Percussion. Students will develop musicianship, literacy skills, and musical and theoretical understandings. This comprehensive approach will allow students to integrate the practical, theoretical, and conceptual aspects of music. Students acquire generic performing skills related to all applied areas – phrasing, articulation, intonation, tone quality, expressive devices, interpretation, style; specific performing skills unique to the individual applied area; theoretical concepts – elements of music (rhythm/meter, melody, harmony, and form), musical literacy, and appropriate symbols and terms.
Ensemble performance 1105/2105/3105
These courses provide the opportunity for students to perform in a group context, e.g., choir, band and are divided into three levels in which musical concepts are revisited as technical skills are refined. The three levels are progressive for the individual student through the introduction of new and varied repertoire each year. Students learn about music by making music. Students acquire performance and musicianship skills, rehearsal and performance behavior, an understanding of conducting gesture and other forms of nonverbal communication, production of sound, and appreciation of music as an art form through ensemble performance.
Experiencing Music 2200
This course is designed to provide an outlet for people with an interest in popular musical forms. This class encourages the learning of instruments such as guitar, bass, drums, piano/keyboard and being able to develop skills related to the commercial music industry. The use of computer technology is used to develop recording skills and musical notation. No experience is required for this class, but it is encouraged that students have some limited experience on an instrument.
Drama 2206
Drama 2206 offers a practical overview for drama education used for learning and teaching in and through drama. In a learning community, stakeholders, working in a collaborative fashion will use its guidelines for making decisions around the contexts of the learning environment, learning experiences, instructional strategies, and assessment strategies. This curriculum describes learning experiences for senior high learners that will develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they need to effectively express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings in the area of dramatic arts.
Visual Art 1202
Visual Art 1202 is designed as a practical foundational course that can be expanded and elaborated upon in studio courses at higher grade levels. In Visual Art 1202, students will build upon prior experiences with the elements and principles of design. Students will develop foundational and media specific skills and techniques as they create art using a range of media within the disciplines of drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture.
Students will reflect upon and learn to critically analyze artwork they view and create within contexts across a spectrum of time periods and cultures. Through informed, creative art-making and viewing experiences, students will delve into new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and experimentation.
Visual Arts 2200 & 3200
This studio course offers students the opportunity to develop personal imagery in a variety of media. Three studio units of the following eight will be explored in the year: Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Fiber Arts, Painting, Printmaking, Graphic Design, and Pottery.
Clothing 1101/Textiles 3101
Topics covered include basic textiles, wardrobe planning, and fabric and pattern selection. A sewing project is the main focus of this course. Emphasis is on textiles, fibers, yarns, fabrication methods and finishes, and on the application of this knowledge in consumer decision making. Topics: technology of textiles, sociological and aesthetic aspects of clothing, career opportunities.