Physical Education
Healthy Living 1200
This course provides opportunities for students to examine and reflect on issues that affect their health and well-being. They examine health indicators and health practices, investigate relevant health issues, explore activities that improve life skills and enhance capability to positively affect health and well- being in four key areas: Active Living, Healthy Eating, Controlling Substances, and Personal Dynamics.
Physical Education 2100/2101
Physical Education 2100 and 2101 are activity-based courses designed to provide a variety of movement experiences, contribute to students’ competency in movement, increase student involvement in choosing activities and to instill in students: the understanding that personal fitness/wellness is within their control; the confidence, motivation and responsibility required to pursue and maintain a healthy active lifestyle; that a key element of student achievement in physical education is the contributions of all students to the success and enjoyment of others as all cooperate and participate together.
Physical Education 3100/3101
Physical Education 3100/3101 is an activity-based course designed to promote an active healthy lifestyle through a variety of movement experiences that contribute to physical literacy. Students will:
- Learn and develop movement skills that will permit and motivate students to participate regularly in lifelong physical activity.
- Use the Active for Life student resource to complement work in the gym/outdoors.
- Increase their involvement in choosing activities in which they participate.
- Build an understanding that personal fitness/wellness is within their control.
- Develop confidence, motivation and responsibility required to maintain an active lifestyle.